Wednesday 20 February 2013

I Love Nantais!!!

Nantais or Nantaise is the word used referring the citizen of Nantes, a comfortable France city where I live until the next 7 months. This week I'm entering my 5th month staying here and apart of the city, I'd love to state that I DO LIKE THE NANTAIS!!! :)


1. The car drivers ALWAYS slow their speed down for the pedestrian
Formerly I thought that it was a common act in wherever european cities. But later I knew, the same thing do not exist in Paris, Marseille, and even Le Havre. I can easily understand for Paris or Marseille case given by its heavy city activities. But Le Havre? 
This quite big and busy intersection does not have a traffic light, but hey it's totally fine :)

2. Everyone moves in a "normal pace", not in a hurry, not in a worry
I barely see people who walk in a hurry even in a rush hour. Again, unlike in Paris where you find almost all of them in a hurry and a serious "strict face". In Nantes, you also don't need to put your bag in front of your body when you're in a public space (bus/tram, park, tourism spot) be it your slinged camera, hand bag, purse, just wear it as you wish. Do it in Marseille and you'll regret the other day.

3. When they pass a door, they check whether there's someone else who will pass behind, if so, they then hold the door

It's really simple act yet nice!  

4. The smokers don't share the smoke with the non-smokers
That's what I see from my classmates, they always move away when they start smoking, love it :) And so far in public space, I haven't met any who "produce smog" share it for those who don't want to. Maybe there's a regulation but even if there is one, it's still quite cool that people show respect without having it displayed in a board or banner.

Surely there's a bold relationship between the city atmosphere and its citizens. A lovely city would make its citizen happy and so that they do lovely things to others. Oh, did I mention that Nantes has been awarded as Green Capital of Europe 2013? :)

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