Sunday 16 December 2012

Good News Good News!

Today is 15 Dec and I will have my oral exam in 20! FIVE DAYS to go and I still speak French like a baby learn to talk!

Ohhh I'll be dead! 

But God is always kind. In this such "i-don't-know-how-to-call-it-maybe-a-most-panic" moment, God gave me a loooot of happiness! December is running very nice this far so I can't resist myself not to jot those things down here and put my books off for a while :))

The greatest yet helpfull thing is, I finally managed to transfer all of the voice memos (most are lecture recording so those are damn important) AND moved it into the PC's drive! Hoaaaahhhhh! This was not easy as it seems. Because firstly, I and also my geek boyfriend, up till now don't know why my PC refused to install iTunes. We already worked on several solution like 32-64 bit thingy or downloaded and installed additional applications suggested by the netters but nothing works. And when it was installed, the voice memos weren't synced. After browsed and did some worrying trial, voilaaa that is a wrapppppp!

And another "finally"...I got my bank card in end of November soooo then I could get a phone card subscription that provides an internet connection and BB service. Yaaaay! I'm finally ON!

I had my cartography exam last Thursday. You know, doing the same thing using a english language software is already frustrating for me, and it's in French!  So had been through it without only starring at the PC's screen really made me proud of myself. My lecturer was even giving a fingercrossed special for me before starting the exam! Hahaha... Well, maybe the result will be good or maybe not that good, but I don't really care! I dashing-ly passed it and did submit some real map files :)

I finally got an appointment with my thesis supervisor. Well, not so fast, it will be in week 2 of January, but it means I'll have more time to prepare my paper. To add the good news, one of my classmate ever worked in the similar field as my thesis theme and she told me that she will help me on the literatures and best practices in France! Wohooooo....magnifique!

The scarf accident was settled!!! I and my friend, whose scarf flew, went together looking for a scarf to replace the poor-flew scarf. We went in and out to 3-4 significant stores, because I, myself, want him to get a scarf as best as it can be. We did not find the same scarf but, thanks to Springfield, it looks good on him, right? :)

And the wise man is true when he said happiness happens when your loved one is happy. My boyfriend told me that he would get an easy-money project soon and he's happy about that, so I'm mooooore than happy! Lalalala :))

Last but the loveliest thing! After the exam, I will be in another city for a week of snowy holiday trip!!! Airplane ticket and hotels were booked! Am ready to pack!

Oooolraaaait, now I've to go back studying! 

P.S The Mayan could be right, 21 Dec will be a doomsday, and it's maybe because of my exam :p

Monday 3 December 2012

Who Can Beat Me?

My friend: itu bukan ketinggalan, tapi kamu tinggal...
Me: nggaaaak, beneran ketinggalan, aku lupa...
My friend: nggak, kamu itu CEROBOH!
Me: Iya...terus gimana dong...
[Marseille, Oktober 2012]

That was one of my most desperate respond to my dear friend when I was (after such a long time, did it again) almost losing stuff...
Well, walaupun ternyata waktu itu dia hanya bermaksud iseng karena sebetulnya barang itu sudah “diamankan” teman yang lain...I hardly forgot that moment. Not because the word hurted me inside, not because it happened during my holiday trip in Marseille,  but solely because he’s just true. And that’s why I answered that way. I did not have any argument to defend myself or to claim that i’m not sloppy.
Because sadly, I DEFINITELY AM.

Below is the history of my clumsiness (as I remember):
1.   Ketinggalan kunci pagar/ kamar kos-kosan
Sekitar 4-6 kali. Terjadi ketika di Semarang (tempat kuliah) dan Jakarta (tempat kerja).
Most painful moment: Ketika saya mengira saya meninggalkan kunci kamar di meja kantor karena tidak menemukannya di kantong kecil di tas saya. I went back to my office by ojek (it was late at night) and found nothing...dan ternyata dia cuma nyelip di antara barang2 di dalam tas..
2.   Kehilangan HP
5 kali. Hilang di sini termasuk hilang karena dicuri/ dicopet dan juga jatuh di jalan.

Di Cepu, I dropped my boyfriend’s sellphone on the asphalt road and broke it into pieces. (!)

Most painful moment: Di Semarang, kantong berisi 2 HP dan juga beberapa kartu ATM saya jatuh di jalanan entah di mana saya lupa. Ditemukan orang2 yang kemudian memeras saya secara halus. I just had a few cash at that time, and they even suggested me to go to the nearest ATM. They waited me while keeping my broken phones and all of my cards. Pret.
3.    Kehilangan dompet
3 kali. Kediri, Jakarta, dan Balikpapan.
I never mind the money karena biasanya juga ga banyak-banyak cash di dalam dompet. Biasanya sih. Tapi bagian lebih menggemaskan dari kehilangan dompet adalah hilangya kartu-kartu atau mungkin kuitansi/slip/tanda terima yang cukup penting yang kadang jauh lebih ribet proses ngurusnya dibandingkan dengan kerja kumpulin duit lagi.
Most painful moment: Kehilangan DOMPET TEBAL di Balikpapan yang memuat uang 6 digit, kartu ATM, kartu member segala rupa, dan...tiket ke Derawan. *nangis
4.    Ketinggalan kartu ATM di mesin ATM
Sekitar 8-10 kali. Atau lebih. Terjadi di Semarang dan Jakarta.
Most painful moment: Frekuensi ketinggalan ATM pelan tapi pasti reda setelah model mesin ATM diperbarui sehingga kartu ATM keluar lebih dulu sebelum uang keluar. But to complete this list, saya pernah meninggalkan mesin ATM dengan hanya mengambil kartu TAPI MENINGGALKAN UANG ratusan ribu yang keluar belakangan. Saya sadar kira-kira 20 menit kemudian, ya lenyaplah duitnya... [Gandaria City, Jakarta]

...saya pernah punya 4 charger untuk HP yang sama karena seringnya beli-beli charger ketika bepergian, saya beberapa kali balik dari kantor ke kos ketika jam makan siang karena lupa bawa charger laptop, saya pernah bussiness trip 2 hari dengan susah dihubungi karena lupa bawa HP, saya beberapa kali meninggalkan kantong belanjaan ketika memilih2 barang, dan serangkaian “lupa lupa lupa” lainnya...


Did I do nothing?

Well, I’m proudly say, I’m improved.
By always creating lists of to-do or to-bring, by putting all of my stuff in their permanent-fixed spot, by being as simple as I can be (e.g pergi cuma bawa dompet dan hape, atau semua ada dalam satu tas kecil, jadi tidak banyak yang perlu diingat). Or even by only using my belongings. Jadi kalaupun akhirnya hilang yah ga merugikan orang lain.
I did it since years ago. And it works quite well.

That super windy day. This time at Nantes...

I flew the scarf of a friend of mine.

Worse thing, the scarf was stuck fast on a fast-driven car :(

I checked in the website soon when I went back home, the autumn wind was 35km/hr that evening. Ironically, at the moment the scarf flew, I was waiting a bus and about to go to meet him to give the scarf back :((
Yang paling saya sesalkan, di angin sekencang itu, saya hanya menaruh atau tepatnya MENGGANTUNGKAN scarf itu di tas kamera. TANPA DIIKAT KEMANAPUN.
I never know before if careless has close meaning with stupid...

Physically, that’s just a scarf. I might buy another scarf to replace it. May even be more expensive one, or more sophisticated one, or any other “more”.
BUT I fully understand that a stuff might be way more precious than some amount of money.
And that put me in a very deep guilty feeling. Di antara kepusingan dengan persiapan ujian dan tugas kelompok, I spent days, to dig the city centre to look for exactly the same scarf but failed to find :((

I'm truly sad. 

I might give him a roundbound ticket to Singapore and I know he will gladly accept, but then I realize I’m not that rich...
Or maybe I can buy him bunch of videogames DVD cause I know he’s a crazy gamers, but then again I’m not sure I can afford that bunch...

Or even anything won’t be equal to replace the scarf, Budi Jatmiko ?
